Karina Mross
EDP Network Member
Karina is a political scientist working in the research program ‘Transformations of Political (Dis-)Order: Institutions, Values and Peace’ at the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) in Bonn. Karina has been at IDOS since 2013 and has since worked on projects related to “Transformation and Development in Fragile States”, “Sustainable Peace Promotion” and “Social Cohesion in Africa”.
Her research focus lies on international support for peace and democratization processes in post-war contexts. She is particularly interested in the role of democracy promotion in peacebuilding after civil wars. Current research projects deal with the role of local elections for societal peace as well as transitional justice in post-conflict situations. She has conducted field research in Burundi, Liberia, Mozambique, Nepal and Timor-Leste. In addition to qualitative methods, Karina uses Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). Based on her research, she is engaged in policy advice and also teaches at the University of Heidelberg.
Karina obtained her PhD from the University of St. Gallen in 2019. She completed her Master’s in ‘International Relations and Development Policy’ at the University of Duisburg-Essen and her Bachelor’s in ‘European Studies’ at Maastricht University.
More about Karina Mross here.
Contact: karina.mross[at]external-democracy-promotion.eu
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