Solveig Richter - EDP Network

Solveig Richter

EDP Network Member

Solveig has specialized primarily on the question of the effectiveness of various instruments of democracy promotion and the connection between democracy and peace.

Her research focuses on external democracy promotion in post-conflict and transformation societies, peacebuilding after conflicts, the role of international organizations, especially the European Union, as well as the effectiveness of instruments of civilian crisis and conflict management. She has regional expertise on Eastern Europe, the Western Balkan countries, and Colombia.

Solveig takes an interdisciplinary approach that incorporates theories from International Relations (particularly socialization and Europeanization research) as well as transformation research. She also emphasizes that democracy promotion can not only have positive effects but also unintended, counterproductive side effects.

Currently, she is researching projects that deal with the dynamics of the peace processes in Colombia, but also peace missions and informal power networks.

Solveig is Professor of “International Relations and Transnational Politics” at the University of Leipzig.

More about Solveig Richter here.

Contact: solveig.richter [at]

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Publications by Solveig Richter

Isabel Lopera-Arbeláez , Solveig Richter | 2024

Transformative approaches for peace-centred sustainable development: The role of social and solidarity economy

In: World Development Perspectives, Volume 34, 100593

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Mónica Amador-Jimenez, Pablo Andres Ramos Baron, Solveig Richter | 2024

Complementary ways of seeing “the Nature”: Integrating varieties of knowledge practices in the management of local environmental conflicts in Colombia

In: Environment and Security, Volume 2, Issue 1, 47-74

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Solveig Richter, Hartwig Hummel, Alexander Spencer | 2020

Einleitung zum Forum: „Evaluation der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung durch den Wissenschaftsrat“

In: Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 9, 101–104.  

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Solveig Richter, Natasha Wunsch | 2020

Money, Power, Glory: the Linkages Between EU Conditionality and State Capture in the Western Balkans

In: Journal of European Public Policy, 27:1, 41-62.  

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Solveig Richter, Laura Camila Barrios Sabogal | 2019

Las Farianas: Reintegration of Former Female FARC Fighters as a Driver for Peace in Colombia

In: Cuadernos de Economía, 38:SPE78, 753-784.  

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Solveig Richter, Jonas Wolff | 2018

Colombia Under the Duque Government. Policy options to strengthen the peace process

PRIF Spotlight 10/2018, Frankfurt: Peace Research Institute Frankfurt.

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Solveig Richter | 2018

Missing the Muscles? Mediation by Conditionality in Bosnia and Herzegovina

in: International Negotiation 23: 2, 258-277.

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Solveig Richter | 2018

Bosnien und Herzegowina und die Europäische Union: Eine ambivalente Beziehung

in: Das politische System Bosnien and Herzegowinas (Eds.): Das politische System Bosynien und Herzegowinas. Springer, 243-273.

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Solveig Richter | 2017

Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing – Illegitimate rule through State Capture in post-war and transitional societies

in: Zeitschrift für Friedens– und Konfliktforschung 6:2 , pp.174-206.

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Tina Freyburg, Solveig Richter | 2015

Local Actors in the Driver’s Seat: Transatlantic Democracy Promotion under Regime Competition in the Arab World

in: Democratization 22: 3, 496-518.

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Solveig Richter | 2012

Two at one blow? The EU and its quest for security and democracy by political conditionality in the Western Balkans

in: Democratization 19: 3, 507-534.

Solveig Richter, Stormy-Annika Mildner, Gitta Lauster | 2011

Resource Scarcity – A Global Security Threat?

SWP Research Paper 2011/RP 02, Berlin.

Solveig Richter | 2011

Zwischen Kooperation und Konfrontation. Die EULEX-Mission und der Aufbau von Rechtsstaatlichkeit in Kosovo

in: Südosteuropa 59: 4, 448-477.

Solveig Richter, Margarete Klein | 2011

Russland und die euro-atlantische Sicherheitsordnung – Defizite und Handlungsoptionen

SWP-Studie 2011/S 34, Berlin.

Solveig Richter, Uwe Halbach, Christian Schaller | 2011

Kosovo – Sonderfall mit Präzedenzwirkung? Völkerrechtliche und politische Entwicklungen nach dem Gutachten des Internationalen Gerichtshofs

SWP-Studien 2011/S 13, Berlin.

Solveig Richter, Tina Freyburg | 2010

National Identity Matters: The Limited Impact of EU Political Conditionality in the Western Balkans

in: Journal of European Public Policy 17: 2, 263-281.

Solveig Richter, Saša Gavrić | 2010

Das politische System Bosnien und Hercegovinas

in: Ismayr, Wolfgang (ed.): Die politischen Systeme Osteuropas, 3rd Edition, Wiesbaden, 837-895.

Tina Freyburg, Solveig Richter | 2009

Antizipierte EU-Mitgliedschaft: Zur Wirkung politischer Konditionalität auf Demokratisierungsprozesse in der Nachbarschaft, Das Ende des postsozialisitischen Raums? (Ent-)Regionalisierung in Osteuropa

Beiträge für die 17. Tagung Junger Osteuropa-Experten. No. 104, 43-46.

Solveig Richter | 2009

Zur Effektivität externer Demokratisierung: Die OSZE in Südosteuropa als Partner, Mahner, Besserwisser?

Demokratie, Sicherheit, Frieden No. 192, Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Solveig Richter | 2009

Fluch oder Segen? Wirkungsmechanismen politischer Konditionalität in den Demokratisierungsprozessen Osteuropas

in: Erdmann, Gero/Kneuer, Marianne (eds.): Externe Faktoren der Demokratisierung, Baden-Baden, p. 147-168.

Solveig Richter | 2009

How Effective is the OSCE’s Promotion of Democracy? Analytical Considerations of the Effectiveness of the Long-Term Missions in South-Eastern Europe

in: Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik Hamburg (IFSH): OSCE-Yearbook 2008, Baden-Baden, 191-208.

Solveig Richter | 2005

Frieden schaffen mit den Waffen der Demokratie? Theorie und Praxis von Demokratisierung als Friedensstrategie

in: Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 12: 1, 77-116.

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