Johannes Gerschewski
EDP Network Member
Johannes Gerschewski is a research associate at the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB) and coordinates the work of the Theory Network at the Excellence Cluster “Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS).” In 2024, he is a fellow at the Thomas Mann House in Los Angeles.
Johannes Gerschewski has been a Visiting Professor of Political Theory and History of Ideas at Leibniz University Hannover since October 2023. Between 2018 and 2019, he worked as a research associate at the School of Politics at the Technical University of Munich, and from 2016 to 2018, he held the same position in the Department of Comparative Analysis of Political Systems at Humboldt University in Berlin.
Before joining Humboldt University, he was a research associate in the “Democracy and Democratization” department at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center from 2011 to 2016, where he co-led a DFG research project on “Critical Junctures and the Survival of Autocracies” with Wolfgang Merkel. His research interests lie in comparative regime studies, the analysis of democratization processes and methodological foundations. Currently, Johannes is working on the stability of authoritarian regimes in East Asia and examining questions of legitimacy in young democracies and autocracies.
In 2014, Johannes obtained his PhD “summa cum laude” from Humboldt University Berlin. His disseratation examined, from a historical-comparative perspective, the stabilizing conditions of authoritarian regimes in East Asia since 1945. Johannes argues that the complementarity between the “three pillars of stability” – legitimation, repression and co-optation – as well as their internal institutionalization, sustains an autocracy. He has begun publishing on these topics.
During his time at WZB, Johannes helped launch the methodologically oriented “Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences”. Between 2001 and 2008, Johannes studied Politics, Philosophy and Economics (Magister) as welll as Languages, Economics and Cultural Area Studies (Diploma) in Passau, Berlin and Seoul before working for a year at the GIGA Institute for Asian Studies in Hamburg. In 2014, Johannes was a guest at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University.
More about Johannes Gerschewski here.
Contact: johannes.gerschewski [at] external-democracy-promotion.eu
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