Sarah von Billerbeck - EDP Network

Sarah von Billerbeck

EDP Network Member

Sarah v. Billerbeck is Associate Professor of International Relations at the University of Reading. Prior to that she worked at King’s College London, and she previously worked for the UN peacekeeping mission in DR Congo (MONUC), the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia in Lebanon, and the American Refugee Committee in Guinea.

Her research has two main thrusts: (1) United Nations peacekeeping, peacebuilding, and post-conflict reconstruction, and (2) international organizations and legitimacy. She is CoPI on an ESRC-funded project entitled ‘Democratization and United Nations Peacebuilding’ and on an SSHRCC-funded partnership development project entitled ‘Peacebuilding and Local Knowledge Network.’ In 2016-19, she was PI of a project on self-legitimation by international organizations funded by the ESRC, and in 2017-18, she was PI of a project examining performance management in international organizations funded by the Folke Bernadotte Academy.

Sarah is co-Director of the UN and Global Order Programme at the University of Reading; a member of the Folke Bernadotte Academy Research Working Groups; a member of the Editorial Board of International Peacekeeping; and a member of the Executive Committee of the International Studies Association’s International Organisation Section. In 2018, she was a Visiting Research Fellow in the Department of International Development, University of Oxford. Her book, “Whose Peace? Local Ownership and UN Peacebuilding” was published by OUP in 2017, and her work has appeared in International Studies Quarterly, Review of International Studies, and elsewhere.

More about Sarah von Billerbeck here.

Contact: sarah.vonbillerbeck [at]

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Publications by Sarah von Billerbeck

Kseniya Oksamytna, Sarah von Billerbeck | 2024

Race and International Organizations

In: International Studies Quarterly, Volume 68, Issue 2

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Sarah von Billerbeck, Birte Julia Gippert, Kseniya Oksamytna, Oisín Tansey | 2023

Theorizing Decision-Making in International Bureaucracies: UN Peacekeeping Operations and Responses to Norm Violations

In: International Studies Quarterly, Volume 67, Issue 4.

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Sarah von Billerbeck | 2023

Organizational Narratives and Self-Legitimation in International Organizations

In: International Affairs, Volume 99, Issue 3

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Sarah von Billerbeck | 2022

Talk from the Top: Leadership and Self-Legitimation in International Organizations

in: International Studies Review, Volume 24, Issue 3

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Sarah von Billerbeck, Corinne Heaven, Alina Rocha Menocal, Dominik Zaum | 2022

From Elite Bargains to (More) Open and (More) Inclusive Politics

in: Report. University of Reading, Reading. pp78.

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Adam Day, Sarah von Billerbeck, Oisín Tansey, Ayham Al Maleh | 2021

Peacebuilding and authoritarianism: the unintended consequences of UN engagement in post-conflict settings

Report, United Nations University

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Sarah von Billerbeck | 2020

No action without talk? UN peacekeeping, discourse, and institutional self-legitimation

in: Review of International Studies, 46:4, 477-494.

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Sarah von Billerbeck | 2020

Sociological Institutionalism

in: Oksamytna, K./Karlsrud, J (eds), United Nations Peace Operations and International Relations Theory, Manchester University Press, 91-110

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Sarah von Billerbeck | 2020

“Mirror, Mirror On the Wall:” Self-Legitimation by International Organizations

in: International Studies Quarterly 64:1, 207-219. [Winner of the Best Research Output Prize 2020, University of Reading]

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Sarah von Billerbeck, Oisín Tansey | 2019

Enabling autocracy? Peacebuilding and post-conflict authoritarianism in the Democratic Republic of Congo

in: European Journal of International Relations, 25:3, 698-722

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Sarah von Billerbeck, Philipp Lottholz | 2019

Senior Leadership Performance Management in International Organizations

Report, UN and Global Order Programme, University of Reading, April 2019

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Sarah von Billerbeck | 2018

All talk and no action or no action without talk?

Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation Blog, 23 August 2018

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Sarah von Billerbeck, Birte Julia Gippert | 2017

Introduction – Legitimacy in Conflict: Concepts, Practices, Challenges

in: Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 11:3 (Special Issue), 273-285.

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Sarah von Billerbeck | 2017

UN Peace Operations and Conflicting Legitimacies

in: Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 11:3, 286-305

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Sarah von Billerbeck | 2016

Whose Peace?: Local Ownership and United Nations Peacekeeping

Oxford University Press [Short-listed for ISA Chadwick Alger Award 2016]

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Sarah von Billerbeck | 2015

Local Ownership and UN Peacebuilding: Discourse Versus Operationalization

in: Global Governance, 21:2, 299-315

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Sarah von Billerbeck | 2013

Aiding the State or Aiding Corruption? Aid and Corruption in Post-Conflict Countries

in: Cheng, Christine/Zaum, Dominik (eds), Post-Conflict Peacebuilding and Corruption: Selling the Peace?, London: Routledge, 80-96

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