Sonja Grimm - EDP Network

Sonja Grimm

EDP Network Member

Sonja has been the Chair of International Relations & European Studies at the Institute of Political Science and Sociology at the University of Würzburg since the beginning of the 2023/24 winter semester. Under her leadership as the lead researcher and co-coordinator of the EMBRACE project, 14 international partner institutions are researching authoritarian resilience and autocratization in the European neighborhood through an interdisciplinary, cross-methodological assessment of blockades and drivers of democratization in 12 case study countries from Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus, the Western Balkans, North Africa and the Middle East.

Previously, she was an Academic Councilor at the Department of Politics and Public Law, Chair of International Politics, at the University of Konstanz and held the Chair of Political Science at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Basel. Sonja’s research focuses on democratization, state-building, and transition studies in post-conflict societies and fragile states, as well as international democracy promotion, development cooperation, and EU integration. In democratization and transition research, she has specialized in democratization processes in post-conflict and post-communist societies, as well as the role of external actors in peacebuilding processes and international democracy promotion in the field of international relations.

Her research projects deal with European democracy promotion in the Western Balkan states, the effectiveness of international democracy promotion, and the international politics of fragile states. In a former research project, she analyzed the consequences of the Arab Spring in the MENA region. Her cumulative habilitation thesis deals with “Research on International Democracy Promotion in Post-Conflict Societies and Fragile States.” Sonja taught various courses in bachelor’s and master’s programs in the Department of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Konstanz. Additionally, Sonja was a visiting researcher and guest lecturer at the Universities of Gothenburg, New Caledonia, Nottingham, Oxford, and Prague. Before her work in Konstanz, Sonja worked as a research associate at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center in the “Democracy and Democratization” department (Director: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Merkel), taught at Humboldt University in Berlin, and obtained her doctorate from the Institute of Social Sciences at Humboldt University. Her dissertation “Erzwungene Demokratie. Politische Neuordnung unter externer Aufsicht in Nachkriegsgesellschaften” (Enforced Democracy. Political Reorganization under External Supervision in Post-War Societies) addresses the role of external actors in building democratic institutions after civil wars and military interventions. Sonja Grimm studied political science, history, and art history from 1998 to 2004 at Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg and the Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Sciences Po, Paris.

More about Sonja Grimm here.

Contact: sonja.grimm [at]

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Publications by Sonja Grimm

Jan Matti Dollbaum, Véronique Dudouet, Sonja Grimm, Sebastian Hellmeier | 2023

Pro-Democracy Movements in a Comparative Perspective

In: Frontiers in Political Science, Volume 5.

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Sonja Grimm | 2023

Investigating the Root Causes of Fragility

In: David Carment / Yiagadeesen Samy, (eds.) Handbook of Fragile States, Ottowa: Edward Elgar Publishing.

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Sonja Grimm | 2019

Democracy promotion in EU enlargement negotiations: more interaction, less hierarchy

in: Democratization (2019), 26:5, 851-868.

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Sonja Grimm, Brigitte Weiffen | 2018

Domestic elites and external actors in post-conflict democratization

Special Issue of the Journal Conflict, Security & Development, 18:4.

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Sonja Grimm, Brigitte Weiffen | 2018

Domestic elites and external actors in post-conflict democratisation: mapping interactions and their impact

in: Conflict, Security and Development 18:4, 257-282.

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Sonja Grimm, Okka Lou Mathis | 2017

Democratization via Aid? The European Union’s Democracy Promotion in the Western Balkans, 1990-2010

in: European Union Politics, published online: 17 September 2017.

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Sonja Grimm, Lisa Groß | 2016

Conflicts of Preferences and Domestic Constraints: Understanding Reform Failure in Liberal Statebuilding and Democracy Promotion

in: Contemporary Politics, 22: 2, 125-143.

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Janina Steinert, Sonja Grimm | 2015

Too Good to Be True? UN Peacebuilding and the Democratization of War-Torn States

in: Conflict Management and Peace Science 32: 5, 513–535.

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Sonja Grimm | 2015

European Democracy Promotion in Crisis: Conflicts of Policy Objectives, Neglected External-Domestic Interactions and the Authoritarian Backlash

in: Global Policy 6: 1, 73-82.

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Sonja Grimm, Okka Lou Mathis | 2015

Stability first, Development second, Democracy third: The European Union’s Policy towards Post-conflict Western Balkans 1991-2010

in: Europe-Asia Studies 67: 6, 916-947.

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Sonja Grimm, Nicolas Lemay-Hebert, Olivier Nay | 2014

Fragile States: A Political Concept. A Third World Quarterly Special Issue

in: Third World Quarterly, 35: 3 [also published as Special Issue Book, London: Routledge].

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Lisa Groß, Sonja Grimm | 2014

The External-Domestic Interplay in Democracy Promotion: A Case Study on Public Administration Reform in Croatia

in: Democratization 21: 5, 912-936.

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Maria Pawelec, Sonja Grimm | 2014

Does National Identity Matter? EU Political Conditionality and Serbia’s Cooperation with the ICTY

in: Journal of Common Market Studies 52: 6, 1290-1306

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Sonja Grimm, Nicolas Lemay-Hebert, Olivier Nay | 2014

Fragile States: Introducing a Political Concept

in: Third World Quarterly 35: 3, 197-209.

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Sonja Grimm | 2014

The European Union’s Ambiguous Concept of ‘State Fragility’

in: Third World Quarterly 35: 3, 252-267.

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Sonja Grimm, Lisa Groß | 2013

Building an EU Member State through Democracy Promotion: The Case of Croatia’s Public Administration Reform

in: Annals of the Croatian Political Science Association, Vol. 10.

Julia Leininger, Sonja Grimm, Tina Freyburg | 2013

Do all Good Things Go Together? Conflicting Objectives in Democracy Promotion. A Special Issue Book

London, Routledge.

Sonja Grimm, Julia Leininger | 2012

Not All Good Things Go Together. Conflicting Objectives in Democracy Promotion

In: Democratization 19: 3, 391-414.

Julia Leininger, Sonja Grimm, Tina Freyburg | 2012

Do all Good Things Go Together? Conflicting Objectives in Democracy Promotion. A Democratization Special Issue

in: Democratization 19: 3 [also published as Special Issue Book, London: Routledge].

Sonja Grimm, Gerald Schneider | 2011

Predicting Social Tipping Points

Discussion Paper 8/2011, Bonn: German Development Institute.

Sonja Grimm | 2010

Erzwungene Demokratie. Politische Neuordnung nach militärischer Intervention unter externer Aufsicht

Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Sonja Grimm, Wolfgang Merkel | 2009

War and Democratization: Legality, Legitimacy and Effectiveness

in: Democratization 15: 3, 457-471.

Sonja Grimm | 2009

Demokratisierung von außen: Der Beitrag externer Akteure zur politischen Transformation nach Kriegen und Intervention

in: Kneuer, Marianne/Erdmann, Gero (eds.): Externe Faktoren der Demokratisierung, Baden-Baden, Nomos, 103-126.

Sonja Grimm | 2009

Internationale Übergangsverwaltungen: Steuerung ohne demokratische Legitimation

in: Schuppert, Gunnar Folke (ed.): Governance als Prozess, Baden-Baden, 201-224.

Sonja Grimm | 2008

External Democratization After War: Success and Failure

in: Democratization 15: 3, 525-549.

Sonja Grimm | 2008

Intervention für Demokratie und Menschenrechte

in: Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte 2: 1, 45-63.

Sonja Grimm, Wolfgang Merkel | 2008

External Democratization After War: Success and Failure. A Democratization Special Issue

in: Democratization 15: 3 [also published as Special Issue Book, London: Routledge].

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