Julia Leininger - EDP Network

Julia Leininger

EDP Network Member

Julia heads the research program “Transformations of Political (Dis-)Order: Institutions, Values and Peace” at the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) in Bonn. She also coordinates Africa-related research and policy advice at IDOS. Julia teaches at the University of Duisburg-Essen and in the renowned Postgraduate Program on Development Policy of IDOS, formerly DIE.

Her comparative research focuses on explaining political transformation, social cohesion in Africa, and international engagement in supporting democratization. She has published on democracy promotion, African politics, religion and the state, as well as regional organizations. Julia translates her academic research into policy advice and engages in impact measurement on the effectiveness of international democracy support and state-building.

Julia’s most recent projects concentrate on international democracy promotion and democracy protection, political regime change in developing regions, societal cohesion, as well as future scenarios and sustainability.

More about Julia Leininger here.

Contact: julia.leininger [at] external-democracy-promotion.eu

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Publications by Julia Leininger

Julia Leininger, Armin von Schiller, Charlotte Fiedler | 2024

Strengthening social cohesion to mitigate human insecurity: Promise and peril

In: Human Development Report 2023/24, Breaking the gridlock: reimagining cooperation in a polarized world, New York: UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), 163-166

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Julia Leininger, Armin von Schiller | 2024

What works in democracy support? How to fill evidence and usability gaps through evaluation

In: Evaluation, Volume 30, Issue 1

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Anita Breuer, Julia Leininger, Daniele Malerba, Jale Tosun | 2023

Integrated Policymaking: Institutional Designs for Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

In: World Development, Volume 170, Issue 3.

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Julia Leininger | 2022

International Democracy Promotion in Times of Autocratization: From Supporting to Protecting Democracy

In: IDOS Discussion Paper 21/2022

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Julia Leininger, Detlef P. van Vuuren et al. | 2022

Defining a sustainable development target space for 2030 and 2050

in: One Earth, Volume 5, Issue 2

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Julia Leininger, Daniel Nowack | 2022

Protection against autocratisation: how international democracy promotion helped preserve presidential term limits in Malawi and Senegal

in: Third World Quarterly 43 (2)

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Julia Leininger, Daniel Nowack | 2021

Protecting Democracy from Abroad: Democracy Aid against Attempts to Circumvent Presidential Term Limits

in: Democratization

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Breuer, Anita, Julia Leininger, Saionara König-Reis | 2021

Key Players in Accountable SDG Implementation: National Human Rights Institutions

Briefing Paper 16/2021 by the German Development Institute (GDI)/Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)

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Anita Breuer, Julia Leininger | 2021

Horizontal Accountability for SDG Implementation: A Comparative Cross-National Analysis of Emerging National Accountability Regimes

in: Sustainability 13, 7002.

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Julia Leininger, a.o. | 2020

Achievements and needs for the climate change scenario framework

In: Nature Climate Change 10, 1074–1084.

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Julia Leininger, Karina Mross, Christine Hackenesch | 2020

What the EU should do for democracy support in Africa: ten proposals for a new strategic initiative in times of polarisation

in: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE): Discussion Paper 14/2020.

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Julia Leininger, Anita Breuer, Ariel Hernandez, Christopher Wingens | 2020

Innovations for Sustainability: Pathways to an Efficient and Sufficient Post-Pandemic Future

3rd report by The World in 2050 initiative. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria.  

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Julia Leininger, Karina Mross, Charlotte Fiedler, Jörn Grävingholt | 2020

Gradual, Cooperative, Coordinated: Effective Support for Peace and Democracy in Conflict-Affected States

in: International Studies Perspectives 21 (1), 54-77 (open access).

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Julia Leininger, Anna Lührmann, Rachel Sigman | 2019

The Relevance of Social Policies for Democracy – Preventing Autocratisation through Synergies between SDG 10 and SDG 16

in: DIE Discussion Paper 7/2019.

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Julia Leininger, Anita Breuer, Jale Tosun | 2019

Integrated Policymaking: Choosing an Institutional Design for Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Discussion Paper 14/2019, German Development Institute (DIE), Bonn.  

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Julia Leininger, Anna Lührmann, Rachel Sigman | 2019

Social and economic inequalities’ effects on inclusive governance

in: DIE Discussion Paper 7/2019, online first.

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Annika Elena Poppe, Julia Leininger, Jonas Wolff | 2019

Beyond contestation: conceptualizing negotiation in democracy promotion

in: Democratization (2019), 26:5, 777-795

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Annika Elena Poppe, Julia Leininger, Jonas Wolff | 2019

Introduction: negotiating the promotion of democracy

in: Democratization (2019), 26:5, 759-776.

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Annika Elena Poppe, Julia Leininger, Jonas Wolff | 2019

The negotiation of democracy promotion. Issues, parameters and consequences

in: Democratization (2019), 26:5.

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Julia Leininger | 2017

“On the table or at the table?” G20 and its cooperation with Africa

in: Global Summitry 3: 2, 193-205.

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Julia Leininger, Axel Berger, Dirk Messner | 2017

The G20 in 2017: Born in a Financial Crisis—Lost in a Global Crisis? Special Issue.

in: Global Summitry 3: 2.

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Jale Tosun, Julia Leininger | 2017

Governing the Interlinkages between the Sustainable Development Goals: Approaches to Attain Policy Integration

in: Global Challenges, published online: 13 November 2017.

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Julia Leininger, et al. | 2017

G20 and Africa – ready for a steady partnership?

in: G20 Insights, published online: 15 Mai 2017.

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Julia Leininger, Christine Hackenesch | 2017

Die G20 und Afrika: wir brauchen einen Paradigmenwechsel

in: Diplomatisches Magazin (forthcoming).

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Julia Leininger | 2017

Demokratieförderung schafft Stabilität

in: Ischinger, Wolfgang/Messner, Dirk (eds.): Deutschlands neue Verantwortung: die Zukunft der deutschen und europäischen Außen-, Entwicklungs- und Sicherheitspolitik, Berlin: Econ, 194-197.

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Julia Leininger, Emmanuel Gyimah-Boadi, Michael Bratto | 2017

Cooperation between G20 and African states: delivering on African citizens’ demands

in: G20 Insights, published online: 9 April 2017.

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Julia Leininger | 2016

It’s institutions, not theology! Muslim actors’ influence on democratization in Mali

in: Politics and Religion, 9: 4, 815-842.

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Julia Leininger, Charlotte Heyl | 2016

Mali seit 1992: Erfolge und Schwächen einer jungen Demokratie

in: Hofbauer, Martin/Münch, Philipp (eds.): Mali: Wegweiser zur Geschichte, Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 71-81.

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Julia Leininger, et al. | 2016

How can development policy help to tackle the causes of flight?

Briefing Paper 2/2016, Bonn: German Development Institute.

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Julia Leininger | 2015

Gradualismus und Sequenzierung als Strategien der Demokratieförderung: ein bewertender Vergleich

Bonn: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

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Julia Leininger | 2015

Against all odds: strong democratic norms in the African Union

in: Börzel, Tanja A./van Hüllen, Vera (eds.): Governance transfer by regional organizations, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 51-67.

Jörg Faust, Julia Leininger | 2014

Supporting democracy abroad: an assessment of leading powers

Washington D.C.: Freedom House.

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Julia Leininger, Sebastian Ziaja | 2014

Conflicting objectives in democracy promotion: avoiding blueprint traps and incomplete democratic transitions

Briefing Paper 11/2014, Bonn: German Development Institute.

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Jörn Grävingholt, Julia Leininger | 2014

Evaluating statebuilding support: learning from experience or judging from assumptions?

in: Andersen, Ole Winckler/Bull, Beat / Megan Kennedy-Chouane (eds.): Evaluation methodologies for aid in conflict, London: Routledge, 154-174.

Julia Leininger | 2014

A strong norm for democratic governance in Africa

Stockholm: International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA).

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Julia Leininger | 2013

Religiöse Akteure in Demokratisierungsprozessen: konstruktiv, destruktiv und obstruktiv

Wiesbaden: Springer Verlag.

Julia Leininger, Sonja Grimm, Tina Freyburg | 2013

Do all Good Things Go Together? Conflicting Objectives in Democracy Promotion. A Special Issue Book

London, Routledge.

Sonja Grimm, Julia Leininger | 2012

Not All Good Things Go Together. Conflicting Objectives in Democracy Promotion

In: Democratization 19: 3, 391-414.

Julia Leininger, Sonja Grimm, Tina Freyburg | 2012

Do all Good Things Go Together? Conflicting Objectives in Democracy Promotion. A Democratization Special Issue

in: Democratization 19: 3 [also published as Special Issue Book, London: Routledge].

Markus Böckenförde, Julia Leininger | 2012

Prozesse fördern statt Produkte fordern. Menschenrechte und Demokratie in der deutschen Außenpolitik

in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 10/2012, 40-46.

Katja Freistein, Julia Leininger | 2012

Handbuch international Organisationen. Akteure und theoretische Grundlagen

[Handbook International Organizations. Actors and Theories], München: Oldenbourg Verlag.

Julia Leininger | 2012

Sub-Sahara Afrika

in: Koschut, Simon/Magnus-Sebastian Kutz (eds.): Die Außenpolitik der USA. Theorie – Prozess – Politikfelder – Regionen, Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich/UTB, 275-289.

Julia Leininger | 2010

Bringing the Outside In: Illustrations from Haiti and Mali for the Re-conceptualization of Democracy Promotion

in: Contemporary Politics 16: 1, 63-80.

Jörn Grävingholt, Julia Leininger, Oliver Schlumberger | 2009

The Three Cs of Democracy Promotion Policy: Context, Consistency and Credibility

Briefing Paper 1/2009, Bonn: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik.

Mirjam Künkler, Julia Leininger | 2009

The Multi-faceted Role of Religious Actors in Democratization Processes: Empirical Evidence from Five Young Democracies

in: Democratization 16: 6, 1058 – 1092.

Julia Leininger | 2009


in: Dieter Nohlen / Rainer-Olaf Schultze (eds.), Lexikon der Politikwissenschaft 1, 4. Edition, München: Beck, 141-143

Julia Leininger | 2009


in: Dieter Nohlen / Rainer-Olaf Schultze (eds.), Lexikon der Politikwissenschaft 2, 4. Edition, München: Beck, 1034-1045.

Julia Leininger | 2006

Democracy and UN-Peace-keeping – Conflict Resolution through State-building and Democracy Promotion in Haiti

in: Wolfrum, Rüdiger/Bogdandy, Armin (eds.): Max Planck Yearbook of the United Nations Law, Heidelberg: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 465-530.

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