EDP Netzwerk | 2018

Democracy Promotion in Times of Uncertainty

PRIF Report 13/2018, Frankfurt: Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung.

Is demo­cracy in crisis through­out the world and how alarmed should we be? And what about inter­national demo­cracy pro­motion – is there a need for re­concept­ualization? PRIF Report 13/2018 “Demo­cracy Pro­motion in Times of Un­cer­tainty. Trends and Challenges” is a joint policy paper written by members of the re­search net­work “External Demo­cracy Pro­motion” (EDP Net­work). It aims at giving a con­cise and pointed over­view of key trends and challenges that charac­terize the field of inter­national demo­cracy pro­motion today, and it offers re­commen­dations for demo­cracy pro­moters and policy makers on how to con­tinue a more pro­mising engage­ment. The report is in­tended for practi­tioners, aca­demics and all those interested in the state and future of demo­cracy globally.

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