Instituto Colombo-Alemán para la Paz (CAPAZ), Documento de Trabajo 1/2018.
From a historical and geographical perspective (1990-2017), this paper analyses the territorial dynamics of the armed conflict and violence recorded in Tumaco, in the department of Nariño, in southwest Colombia.
The text examines the interrelated spatial behaviour of variables such as the presence of armed actors, armed confrontation, the drugs economy and the violence recorded against the civil population.
The Tumaco region, with its high levels of armed confrontation and violence following the signing of the peace accord between the government and the FARC-EP, has always figured as a space subject to dispute, a supplier of illegal economies, and of strategic corridors for residual groups and drug traffickers.
The territorial disputes and the violence recorded in urban Tumaco are a direct reflection of the armed tensions between illegal groups wanting to control the criminal economies and the State Forces wanting to control them in rural Tumaco.
The paper offers crucial information on the key challenges faced by the current peace process in Colombia, but it also contributes to general knowledge on the complex dynamics of crime and violence during the transition to peace.
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