EDP Wire

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Die neuesten Einträge im EDP Wire

12. Juni 2019 | EDP Wire | Jeff Bridoux

Shaking off the neoliberal shackles: “democratic emergence” and the negotiation of democratic knowledge in the Middle East North Africa context

This EDP Wire contribution briefly summarizes the article “Shaking off the neoliberal shackles: democratic emergence” and the negotiation of democratic knowledge in the Middle East North Africa context” of the recent Democratization special issue “The negotiation of democracy promotion. Issues, parameters and consequences“, edited by EDP network members Annika E. Poppe, Julia Leininger and Jonas Wolff.

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6. Juni 2019 | EDP Wire | Annika Elena Poppe, Julia Leininger, Jonas Wolff

Beyond contestation: conceptualizing negotiation in democracy promotion

This EDP Wire contribution briefly summarizes the second article “Beyond contestation: conceptualizing negotiation in democracy promotion” of the recent Democratization special issue “The negotiation of democracy promotion. Issues, parameters and consequences“, edited by EDP network members Annika E. Poppe, Julia Leininger and Jonas Wolff.

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4. Juni 2019 | EDP Wire | Nora Berger-Kern

Symptom oder Einzelfall? Wie im Fall der Deutschen Umwelthilfe politische Kompetenzen überschritten werden

Die Affäre um manipulierte Abgaswerte, die die Autoindustrie seit 2014 ins Schwanken gebracht hat, wirkt bis in deutsche Verwaltungsgerichte: Wiederholt klagt die Umwelt- und Verbraucherschutzorganisation Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH) auf die Einhaltung von Stickoxid-Grenzwerten, Fahrverbote werden angeordnet. Regierungs- und Oppositionsparteien fordern nun die Aberkennung der Gemeinnützigkeit und des Verbandsklagerechts sowie Streichungen von Fördermitteln des Vereins, der sich wiederholt in den Fokus der öffentlichen Debatte und Kritik gebracht hat.

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29. Mai 2019 | EDP Wire | Annika Elena Poppe, Julia Leininger, Jonas Wolff

The negotiation of democracy promotion: Introducing a new perspective on dynamics of interaction in the promotion of democracy

Democracy is not simply a good that can be exported from one country to another. Democracy promotion, by definition, involves interaction between external actors and various kinds of “local actors”, “recipients” or “partners”. But the complex interplay between external and local actors is rarely studied in democracy promotion research. A new special issue of the journal Democratization, edited by EDP network members Annika E. Poppe, Julia Leininger and Jonas Wolff, contributes to filling this research gap by looking at negotiations in and of democracy promotion. This contribution to the EDP Wire briefly summarizes the introduction to the special issue.

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23. April 2019 | EDP Wire | Prakash Bhattarai

The New Federal Structure in Nepal: Challenges and Opportunities for Quality Governance

This EDP Wire was written by Dr. Prakash Bhattarai, Director of the Centre for Social Change in Nepal and a former PRIF guest researcher by invitation of the EDP Network. In his article, he argues that if managed well, the new federal structure of Nepal as provisioned in the Constitution of 2015 has an immense potential to promote local democracy and equip citizens with fundamental rights but also finds that Nepal is practicing federalism in the midst of fear, mistrust, and dubious mind-sets of political elites without a clear vision of its future.

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