
Die neuesten EDP NEWS

22. Dezember 2022 | News

EDP Network Meeting In Leipzig

On the 15th to 16th of December the EDP Network got to meet up in person in Leipzig. We discussed future options for the EDP Network in form of collaborations and shared research. The members also presented their current projects …

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21. November 2022 | News

EDP members at the third DVPW Thementagung

On the 11th of november our members Julia Leininger, Solveig Richter and Jonas Wolff presented their paper: „Demokratie, Sicherheit, Frieden: Wie verändert der russische Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine unser Verständnis von internationaler Demokratieförderung” on the third DVPW Thementagung titled „Turning …

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21. November 2022 | News

Jonas Wolff Inauguration lecture at Goethe University

Our member Jonas Wolff held his inauguration lecture on the 15th of November at the Goethe University Frankfurt. The title of the lecture was ‚Researching Democracy in Times of Autocratization: Conceptual developments and Latin American experiences‘ and was part of …

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5. April 2022 | News

EDP Network at ISA 2022 in Nashville

The EDP network organised a panel discussion titled „Democracy Promotion as a Changing Constellation of Practices“ during the ISA 2022 in Nashville. Leonie Holthaus, Sarah von Billerbeck, Julia Leininger, Solveig Richter and Jonas Wolff presented up-to-date research and debated about …

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