Category: Publication - Year: 2020
Breaking the vicious circle: Can the new Moldovan president Sandu succeed in balancing relations with the EU and Russia?
PRIF Spotlight 19/2020
read more »What Do We Know about Struggles over Neoliberal Reforms? The Political Economy and the Contentious Politics of Stabilization and Structural Adjustment in Latin America and beyond
In: PRIF Working Paper No. 51, Frankfurt/M.
read more »One Year Later: The Legacy of Latin America’s 2019 Mass Protests
in: Alternatives Economiques, Hors-Série No 122, 01/2021, pp. 44-45; English translation on PRIF blog, 17 December 2020.
read more »Achievements and needs for the climate change scenario framework
In: Nature Climate Change 10, 1074–1084.
read more »Claiming the right to rule: regime legitimation strategies from 1900 to 2019
In: European Political Science Review, Online First, 4 December 2020.
read more »Die politische Logik der Gewalt. Zur Ermordung sozialer Aktivist*innen im Kontext autoritärer lokaler Ordnungen in Kolumbien
PRIF Spotlight 14/20, Peace Research Institute Frankfurt.
read more »Leapfrogging the EU: Telecommunications Regulation in Morocco
in: Del Sarto, Raffaella A./Tholens, Simone (eds.), Europe and the Middle East: Contestation beyond Borders, University of Michigan Press, 94-117.
read more »No action without talk? UN peacekeeping, discourse, and institutional self-legitimation
in: Review of International Studies, 46:4, 477-494.
read more »Die Corona-Pandemie als Bedrohung zivilgesellschaftlicher Handlungsspielräume
in: Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 33:3, 671-676.
read more »Nach Morales: Bolivianische Restauration?
in: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, Oktober 2020, 41–44.
read more »COVID-19 and shrinking civic spaces: patterns and consequences
in: Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Online first, 2 October 2020.
read more »Insurgency and Ivory: The Territorial Origins of Illicit Resource Extraction in Civil Conflicts
in: Comparative Political Studies, Online First
read more »Networking with Chinese Characteristics: China’s party-to-party relations in Asia
in: Kneuer, Marianne/Demmelhuber, Thomas (eds.), Authoritarian Gravity Centres: A Cross-Regional Study of Authoritarian Promotion and Diffusion, New York: Routledge, 225-248.
read more »The Struggle for Minds and Influence: The Chinese Communist Party’s Global Outreach
in: International Studies Quarterly, 64:3, 723-733.
read more »What the EU should do for democracy support in Africa: ten proposals for a new strategic initiative in times of polarisation
in: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE): Discussion Paper 14/2020.
read more »The Turbulent End of an Era in Bolivia: Contested Elections, the Ouster of Evo Morales, and the Beginning of a Transition Towards an Uncertain Future
in: Revista de ciencia política (Santiago), 40:2, 163-186.
read more »Sociological Institutionalism
in: Oksamytna, K./Karlsrud, J (eds), United Nations Peace Operations and International Relations Theory, Manchester University Press, 91-110
read more »Responding to COVID-19 with 100 per cent Postal Voting: Local Elections in Bavaria, Germany
in: James, Toby S./Clark, Alistair/Asplund, Erik (eds), Electoral Management Network. Stockholm: International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance.
read more »Essential Readings on “Democracy Promotion”
in: Jadaliyya, Middle East Studies Pedagogy Initiative (MESPI)
read more »Innovations for Sustainability: Pathways to an Efficient and Sufficient Post-Pandemic Future
3rd report by The World in 2050 initiative. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria.
read more »Does a Mugger Dominate? Episodic Power and the Structural Dimension of Domination
in: The Journal of Political Philosophy, 28:2, 199-221.
read more »Adapting or Freezing? Ideological Reactions of Communist Regimes to a Post-Communist World
in: Government and Opposition, 55:3, 511-532.
read more »Latin America and COVID-19. Political Rights and Presidential Leadership to the Test
in: Democratic Theory, 7:2, 61-68.
read more »Einleitung zum Forum: „Evaluation der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung durch den Wissenschaftsrat“
In: Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 9, 101–104.
read more »Socioeconomic Protests in MENA and Latin America. Egypt and Tunisia in Interregional Comparison
Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
read more »From Neo-Republicanism to Critical Republicanism
in: Leipold, Bruno/Nabulsi, Karma/White, Stuart (eds.), Radical Republicanism. Recovering the Tradition‘s Popular Heritage, Oxford University Press, 21-39.
read more »Internal Threats to EU’s External Democracy Support in Times of a Pandemic – Can the New EU Council Conclusions on Democracy still Kick-off?
in: Prif Blog, 16.04.2020.
read more »Frieden und Entwicklung 2020: Eine Analyse aktueller Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse
Die Studie „Frieden und Entwicklung 2020“ analysiert aktuelle Entwicklungen, Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen und leitet daraus praxisorientierte Empfehlungen für die deutsche und internationale EZ ab. Sie wurde im Rahmen eines Ressortforschungsvorhabens für das Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) erstellt. Methodisch stützt sich die Analyse auf 30 Interviews mit Expertinnen und Experten aus unterschiedlichen Weltregionen und ergänzt diese auf Basis einer Auswertung von Policy-Dokumenten und der einschlägigen Forschungsliteratur.
read more »Democracy
in: Olaf Kaltmeier/Anne Tittor/Daniel Hawkins/Eleonora Rohland (Hg.): The Routledge Handbook to the Political Economy and Governance of the Americas, London: Routledge, 341-349.
read more »Crises and Critical Junctures in Authoritarian Regimes: Addressing Uprisings’ Temporalities and Discontinuities
In: Third World Quarterly, 41:3, 1030-1045.
read more »Governing Markets in Autocratic Regimes
In: Abbott, Kenneth W./Zangl, Bernhard/Snidal, Duncan/Genschel, Philipp (Eds.): The Governor’s Dilemma. Indirect Governance Beyond Principals and Agents. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 239-256.
read more »“Mirror, Mirror On the Wall:” Self-Legitimation by International Organizations
in: International Studies Quarterly 64:1, 207-219. [Winner of the Best Research Output Prize 2020, University of Reading]
read more »Gradual, Cooperative, Coordinated: Effective Support for Peace and Democracy in Conflict-Affected States
in: International Studies Perspectives 21 (1), 54-77 (open access).
read more »Polity: Demystifying Democracy in Latin America and Beyond ‐ by Foweraker, Joe
in: Bulletin of Latin America Research, 39:1, 116-117.
read more »Dangerously informed: Voter information and pre-electoral violence in Africa
in: Journal of Peace Research, 57:1, 15-29.
read more »Money, Power, Glory: the Linkages Between EU Conditionality and State Capture in the Western Balkans
In: Journal of European Public Policy, 27:1, 41-62.
read more »The Many Faces of Authoritarian Persistence: A Set-Theory Perspective on the Survival Strategies of Authoritarian Regimes
in: Government and Opposition, 55:1, 64-87
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