Category: Publication - Year: 2018
Responding to Closing Civic Space: Recent Experiences from Three Global Initiatives
CSIS Human Rights Initiative Report (December 2018). Washington: Center for Strategic and International Studies.
read more »Democracy Promotion in Times of Uncertainty
PRIF Report 13/2018, Peace Research Institute Frankfurt.
read more »How the Internet Can Reinforce Authoritarian Regimes
in: Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 19, 12-19.
Ecuador after Correa. The Struggle over the “Citizens’ Revolution”
in: Revista de Ciencia Política, 38:2, 281-302.
read more »Legitimacy in Autocracies: Oxymoron or Essential Feature?
in: Perspectives on Politics 16:3, 652-665.
read more »Colombia Under the Duque Government. Policy options to strengthen the peace process
PRIF Spotlight 10/2018, Frankfurt: Peace Research Institute Frankfurt.
read more »Better peacekeepers, better protection? Troop quality of United Nations peace operations and violence against civilians
in: Journal of Peace Research, 55:6, 742–758
read more »All talk and no action or no action without talk?
Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation Blog, 23 August 2018
read more »Domestic elites and external actors in post-conflict democratization
Special Issue of the Journal Conflict, Security & Development, 18:4.
read more »Domestic elites and external actors in post-conflict democratisation: mapping interactions and their impact
in: Conflict, Security and Development 18:4, 257-282.
read more »Nachhaltiger Frieden: Liberal-demokratische Friedenskonzepte unter Druck
in: Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC)/Leibniz-Institut Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK)/Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg (IFSH)/Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden (INEF) (Hg.), Friedensgutachten 2018, Berlin: LIT Verlag, 65-83.
read more »Forecasting candidate states’ compliance with EU accession rules, 2017–2050
in: Journal of European Public Policy 25:11, 1667-1685.
read more »Las élites políticas y económicas en Bolivia y Ecuador. Convivir con gobiernos posneoliberales
in: Codato Adriano/Espinoza Fran (eds): Élites en las Américas. Diferentes Perspectivas, Curitiba: Editora UFPR, 73–114.
The Delegitimization of Civil society Organizations. Thoughts on Strategic Responses to the “Foreign Agent” Charge
in: César Rodríguz-Garavito/Krizna Gomez (eds.): Rising to the Populist Challenge. A New Playbook for Human Rights Actors, Bogotá: Dejusticia, 129–137.
read more »Blocking the Bottleneck: Internet Shutdowns and Ownership at Election Times in Sub-Saharan Africa.
in: International Journal of Communication 12, 3896-3916.
read more »Marketing parliament: The constitutive effects of external attempts at parliamentary strengthening in Jordan
in: Cooperation and Conflict, 53:2, 237-258
read more »When can international peacebuilding make a difference? Identifying patterns of support that help sustain peace after civil war
in: World Bank Blogs.
read more »Missing the Muscles? Mediation by Conditionality in Bosnia and Herzegovina
in: International Negotiation 23: 2, 258-277.
read more »Ma’naviyat in Uzbekistan: An Ideological Extrication from Its Soviet Past?
in: Journal of Political Ideologies, 23:2, 205-222
read more »Dinámicas territoriales de la violencia y del conflict armado antes y después del acuerdo de paz con las FARC-EP
Instituto Colombo-Alemán para la Paz (CAPAZ), Documento de Trabajo 1/2018.
read more »Bosnien und Herzegowina und die Europäische Union: Eine ambivalente Beziehung
in: Das politische System Bosnien and Herzegowinas (Eds.): Das politische System Bosynien und Herzegowinas. Springer, 243-273.
read more »Political incorporation in measures of democracy: a missing dimension (and the case of Bolivia)
in: Democratization, published online: 16 January 2018.
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