Category: Publication - Year: 2016
Frieden nachhaltig fördern: Erkenntnisse der Forschung zur Wirksamkeit von Post-Konflikt-Engagement
in: Analysen und Stellungnahmen 5/2016.
read more »Building peace after war: the knowns and unknowns of external support to post-conflict societies
in: DIE Briefing Paper 11/2016.
read more »It’s institutions, not theology! Muslim actors’ influence on democratization in Mali
in: Politics and Religion, 9: 4, 815-842.
read more »The Electronic Face of Authoritarianism: E-Government as a Tool for Gaining Legitimacy in Competitive and Non-Competitive Regimes
in: Government Information Quarterly, 33:4, 727–735
read more »Whose Peace?: Local Ownership and United Nations Peacekeeping
Oxford University Press [Short-listed for ISA Chadwick Alger Award 2016]
read more »Mali seit 1992: Erfolge und Schwächen einer jungen Demokratie
in: Hofbauer, Martin/Münch, Philipp (eds.): Mali: Wegweiser zur Geschichte, Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 71-81.
read more »¿Escudo efectivo o tigre de papel? La Carta Democrática Interamericana a los 15 años
in: Pensamiento Propio, 43, 19-64.
read more »Between Banyans and battle scenes: Liberal norms, contestation, and the limits of critique
in: Review of International Studies, 42: 3, 513-534.
read more »Resisting democracy assistance: Who seeks and receives technical election assistance?
in: Review of International Organizations, 11:2, 247-282
read more »Conflicts of Preferences and Domestic Constraints: Understanding Reform Failure in Liberal Statebuilding and Democracy Promotion
in: Contemporary Politics, 22: 2, 125-143.
read more »How can development policy help to tackle the causes of flight?
Briefing Paper 2/2016, Bonn: German Development Institute.
read more »Do Ideocracies Constitute a Distinct Subtype of Autocratic Regimes?
in: Backes, Uwe/Kailitz, Steffen (eds): Ideocracies in Comparison, London: Routledge, 88-105.
Peacebuilding and Democracy Promotion: What current challenges to the latter might tell us for rethinking the former
in: Tobias Debiel/Thomas Held/Ulrich, Schneckener (eds): Peacebuilding in Crisis. Rethinking Paradigms and Practices of Transnational Cooperation, Abingdon: Routledge, 73-90.
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