Category: Publication - Year: 2022
The Belt and Road Initiative and Autocracy Promotion as Elements of China’s Grand Strategy
In: Securitization and Democracy in Eurasia, pp 361–374.
weiter lesen »International Democracy Promotion in Times of Autocratization: From Supporting to Protecting Democracy
In: IDOS Discussion Paper 21/2022
weiter lesen »Talk from the Top: Leadership and Self-Legitimation in International Organizations
in: International Studies Review, Volume 24, Issue 3
weiter lesen »From the Varieties of Democracy to the defense of liberal democracy: V-Dem and the reconstitution of liberal hegemony under threat
in: Contemporary Politics
weiter lesen »Why „Democracy Promotion“ should play no role in a values-based German foreign policy in the MENA region
in: Orient II 2022, „Germany’s role in the MENA region: Between continuity and change“
weiter lesen »What Role do Local Elections Play for Societal Peace in Nepal?
in: GDI Discussion Paper 4/2022
weiter lesen »The local turn and the Global South in critical peacebuilding studies
in: PRIF Working Papers No. 57
weiter lesen »How political is Republicanism? Walking the fine line between moralism and realism
in: Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy , Volume 25, Issue 4
weiter lesen »Foreign Policy and International Relations: Taking Stock after Two Years of the Bolsonaro Administration
in: Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut Preußischer Kulturbesitz
weiter lesen »Defining a sustainable development target space for 2030 and 2050
in: One Earth, Volume 5, Issue 2
weiter lesen »The Production of North American and German Democracy Promotion Expertise: A Practice Theoretical Analysis
in: International Studies Perspectives
weiter lesen »Why It Matters What Autocrats Say: Assessing Competing Theories of Propaganda
in: Problems of Post-Communism
weiter lesen »Protection against autocratisation: how international democracy promotion helped preserve presidential term limits in Malawi and Senegal
in: Third World Quarterly 43 (2)
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